M2M Allnet

Care and

Care and health: More time for patients through IoT

Care and health is a sector that brings many hurdles. Be it from an emotional point of view, through physical challenges or through medicine and technology. The everyday life of caregivers is demanding. When life and health come into play, automated processes and technical support often make the difference. With us, you can increase your efficiency, automate processes and digitise patient records and co. 

the right card


Standard SIM

Network all your smart IoT devices, across all networks, transnationally with M2M Allnet!

Micro SIM-Karte G02.2k

Industry SIM

Stay actionable everywhere and connect all industrial machines worldwide with M2M Allnet 

eSIM-Karte: Der Nachfolger der klassischen SIM-Karte fest ins Endgerät eingebaut.


The successor to the classic SIM card, permanently installed in the end device. With all the familiar advantages!

0 +
Roaming partner
0 +
0 KB
per MB

Care and health: financing, leasing and hire purchase

For companies, investments are extremely important at the moment due to the current situation and requirements. As far as digitalisation, networking and cooperation are concerned, a lot has to be done to maintain business operations and contact with customers and employees. This is an important point, especially for the future.




Especially for home office and mobile workplaces or video conferencing solutions, both in hardware and software, but can also be used for a new IoT project for process optimisation and to make effective use of resources. With leasing and hire purchase, companies do not have to make a high one-off investment, but spread the costs over monthly instalments with flexible terms over several years. In addition, immediate expenses are significantly reduced.

The right solution - no matter which industry? We have it!

Industries Advantages for care and health

Care and health with a suitable MOBILE RADIO SOLUTION

Instead of local IT infrastructures, M2M sim cards can be used as a data backup back-up solution. Nowadays, almost all businesses depend on a secure and reliable internet connection. If an internet connection fails, business operations are disrupted - because many cash register systems etc. also run via the internet. In addition, high costs can arise in the event of a failure.



M2M-Sim-Karten als Back-Up Lösung1

A fail-safe back-up of your systems via mobile radio / LTE only requires a few parameters to be determined as part of an individual solution. In the event of a malfunction, e.g. a network failure or if a construction machine cuts a cable, the back-up solution can reliably and automatically step in in conjunction with the corresponding hardware.

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Care and health needs sufficient data volume

Pflege und Gesundheit IOT

Info about data volume

Various factors determine the monthly data volume of sim cards. Especially with large files, a high data volume is helpful for the purpose of transfer. Example medical records. A necessary data volume of a sim card can range from small MB to 10 GB.

Care and health: what you should know

Conventional data cards make this difficult or impossible. Here, either a bandwidth throttling takes effect from a certain data volume or GB packages have to be booked manually. 

For a professional back-up solution, neither is applicable. Because even a short-term failure or the temporary non-functioning of applications causes immense costs and image damage for companies.

Questions? We are here for you!

A special advantage: dynamic data pooling through M2M sim cards

There is a data pool that is shared by several sim cards. If the internet connection fails at one location or application, the corresponding card can use the entire data pool and possibly consume several GB without incurring additional costs. A simultaneous failure at several locations or applications is almost unlikely, so this approach works ideally in practice. The costs per location are drastically reduced as a result.

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Care and health can be financed monthly

Lösungen, Produkte und Objekte die finanziert werden können

Master every challenge in the industry? No problem with M2M Allnet!

found in many areas

Transport und Logistik - Anforderungen und Vorteile1

Transport and logistics

Network all your smart IoT devices or industrial machines worldwide with M2M-Allnet

Überwachung von Umweltfaktoren - IoT

Environment and

Sustainable action with M2M and IoT increases efficiency and reduces costs

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M2M für Anlagen und Maschinen

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