IoT Industry 4.0 - The digitalisation of logistics and production
IoT industry: Real-time data collection, remote management and monitoring of machines, reduced costs and optimised availability of connected machines. All these functions are described by this word. It is specifically about the digitalisation of everyday industrial processes. The smart networking and automation of devices and machines is being used more and more and is one of the most important points in the digital world!
- Digital networking
- Lowered costs
- Live data
- Remote service
- Resource planning

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IoT Industry 4.0 - What is it?
The fourth revolution of the IoT industry
When we speak of IoT Industry 4.0, we are referring to the fourth revolution within the economy. The focus is on two developments: Networking and automation.
With the networking of systems, the exchange of data and information is possible. This process enables them to react intelligently to each other.
Networking and automation
In the future, automation will replace the central control of devices and machines. Currently, the evaluation from IT systems still lies with people in order to be able to make adjustments afterwards. In the future, devices and machines will take over this process and order required parts or materials automatically. Automation is not the only way to complete processes.

The connection of hardware and software plays a central role here. Another step towards successful digitalisation is the miniaturisation of hardware components. The big goal is for devices and machines to work together in an automated and smart way in the future. This will reduce costs, avoid errors and enable real-time logistics and production.
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Our advantages
- Increases Efficiency saves resources
- Digital Data Exchange in real time
- Processes and Personnel Planning are optimized
- Best Networking and automation
- Intelligent Action through up-to-date information
- Flexibility Increased to save costs
IoT Industry 4.0 - advantages also for production

Process optimisation and efficient utilisation times of the IoT industry
The goal of companies with production facilities is to design the number of units efficiently while minimising manufacturing costs. In order to better achieve this, the use of Industry 4.0 makes sense for production.
Digital data exchange
The key here is digital data exchange. This makes the production process more efficient and at the same time minimises the planning effort.
The topic of security therefore seems to be a particularly big challenge for the IoT sector and will continue to develop extensively in the future. Research and development are continuously working to uncover security gaps and develop solutions to close them. But the hurdle is high. Fast-moving events and rising levels of cyber-crime mean that the demands are growing.
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IoT Industry: Increasing Productivity
Making the best use of resources with industry SIM
Industry 4.0 ensures real-time data transmission and communication. At the same time, various processes are optimized. Devices and machines can, for example, automatically reorder materials immediately if they are in short supply.
Predictive Maintenance
Automated communication makes it possible for the individual components to carry out processes without any problems. In addition, companies are placing more and more emphasis on predictive maintenance. The application learns from data and can make a forecast on this basis. The device or machine is thus able to say what will happen and when.

With the use of predictive maintenance, smart service, machine maintenance and servicing are possible as a preventive measure. The goal is to minimise or even avoid downtime. Smart factories have a major impact on the profitability of companies. Whenever it comes to optimising processes and making the best possible use of resources.
IoT industry: Flexibility in exceptional circumstances

Efficiency and customer satisfaction
In the future, autonomous systems will make it possible to meet individual customer requirements at reduced cost. Production facilities can be made more effective and flexible thanks to new manufacturing and information technologies. A notable example is 3D printers - after an input, they produce an individual product.
Global cost control
Location independence will play an increased role and increase flexibility enormously. This will make it possible to act more and more globally and not to lose efficiency and control despite widespread use. But how does this work in practice?
In the future of our digital world, devices and machines will be equipped with sensors - this also applies to the goods you produce. Devices and machines will not only communicate with each other, but also with other systems: All related components such as production, development, sales, but also customers and suppliers will be integrated into networked systems in the future. The basis of it all is the internet. This will be supplemented by platforms that enable central use.
Increase efficiency

Industry 4.0 - wireless networks as a basis
Different wireless technologies are used to realise real-time communication between devices and machines. The internet is the basis for the use of Industry 4.0. Devices and machines repeat various work steps, sometimes millions of times - through networked manufacturing processes, devices and machines decide independently which material takes which path. This leads to a general minimisation of logistics costs and supply chains.
Minimisation of logistics effort and supply chains
Among other things, special radio networks - the so-called narrowband IoT and associated sensors in machines and digital radio technologies such as those integrated in RFID chips - help in the process of minimisation. RFID is a technology for transmitter-receiver systems and is used, for example, in door transponders.
Nowadays, this type of communication via digital information paths is called Internet of Things (IoT). Machine to human, production components to inventory, company to customer - with a constant connection to the internet. The mobile radio standards used so far will no longer be sufficient for the data volumes and communication requirements in the future. This is one reason why a fast and powerful mobile communications standard like 5G is needed. At the same time, work is also being done on other possibilities for wireless transmission. (Narrowband IoT)
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IoT industry applications
Networking and automation have many applications in industry: When devices and machines are involved in manufacturing processes, send data or navigate orders, without human intervention and subject to maximum control by a person.
Data and information are exchanged automatically through automated communication of devices, machines and systems. Intended personnel are saved through automation and deployed elsewhere. Thanks to direct communication, orders are planned and implemented more precisely. Individual customer requirements can be mapped more easily and at lower cost. The general rule is: the more data a system collects, the faster the algorithm learns and is able to optimise itself. The key point here is big data.
Example of use
Here is a suitable example: With Industry 4.0, devices and machines are already able to determine how many resources are still in stock during the production process and can order stock goods at any time if the stock is low. At the same time, communication is established with the customers.
Location based applications
The process described is distance-independent. This makes it possible to react individually to customer wishes. As a result, products no longer have to be produced and stored in stock, but are produced immediately after receipt of the order. In addition, sensors in devices and machines support this optimisation process.

Smart Factories have a great influence on the economic efficiency of companies. Whenever processes are to be optimised and resources are to be used in the best possible way. The term has its origins in research and lies in the field of manufacturing technology.
Minimisation of costs in the Iot industry
Using resources correctly
Automation and networking save human resources. Previous manual activities such as analyses or optimisations will be carried out by networked devices and machines in the future. However, this does not mean that people are now superfluous, but only that they can be used more valuably elsewhere. Without partial physical overload or in harmful environments.
Monitoring environmental factors
Minimising costs and monitoring environmental factors at the same time are not contradictory. Countless transports of products and materials, and overcrowded warehouses are one of the biggest problems of our time. With Industry 4.0, real-time logistics and production are possible thanks to smart communication systems between devices and machines.

This process generally saves companies from having to store or temporarily store goods. Automated remote maintenance can be implemented as part of smart communication.
Iot industry always optimised

Optimise use of resources
Smart Factory brings many advantages - above all, the use of resources is significantly optimised. Due to the large amounts of data collected, the optimisation of resources is ensured with the help of smart objects. Among other things, residual products can be reduced to a minimum level so that only the quantity that is actually needed is used for production.
Transparent IoT industry
Transparency of costs also increases efficiency. Large amounts of data can be collected more easily through business intelligence systems. The transfer of stock or a complete warehouse to another country is easier to handle with the systems and is therefore not least a resource-saving measure.
The potential that lies in this area is often underestimated. By linking man and machine, not only are processes smoother or errors reduced, but bureaucracy and sustainability are dealt with in parallel, tacitly. e.g. machines can be used in situations or places that would be simply inaccessible or too dangerous for humans.
IoT - Topics in detail