M2M Allnet from YUKA.digital

The Internet of Things - we connect it!

We, the IoT experts at Yukatel GmbH, have been assisting customers for more than 10 years with all questions related to IoT connectivity and software. Under the umbrella of Yukatel GmbH, founded in 1995, the product and product portfolio of M2M Allnet is marketed via the umbrella brand YUKA.digital. With the experience from existing customer projects and strategic partnerships, we create with M2M Allnet a unique all-round solution for business customers worldwide who want to network their machines and things with each other. As a contact for all company structures, customers benefit from our expertise and special system solutions. With access to all renowned operators and individual solutions, we take on complex issues related to the digital challenges of M2M and IoT communication for our customers.

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One Partner - One SIM, All Networks!

Über_uns_M2MAllnet - Ein Partner – Eine SIM, Alle Netze!

The Internet of Things often requires a suitable IoT data card for data transfer, which provides the strongest network at all times. The application purpose should not play a role, even if it involves moving objects or devices.

Mit den Sim-Cards from M2M Allnet ist das problemlos möglich. Unsere M2M Datenkarten werden in verschiedensten IoT Anwendungen zur Veredelung eingesetzt und für die M2M Datenübertragung verwendet.
We don't talk about the Internet of Things, we connect it. 

With the best network, worldwide and at the best conditions. This is our claim, so that your things can communicate with each other. We offer the right M2M Allnet sim card or IoT sim chip for all requirements worldwide.

Choose your new tariff here and get the SIM that suits you best

What we stand for

A1 Digital Logo

Used in many industries

No matter what type of SIM card, the benefits are far-reaching! Whether from device to device, industry to industry, network to network or country to country. Our solutions can do it all! And of course we are there to advise you. With us, there are no hidden costs, non-cancellable contracts or traps in the small print.

With us, you have a fair partner at your side! Cheap SIM cards for IoT and M2M, that's what our products and services at M2M Allnet stand for - Find out if we are also a good fit for you and your industry and let us know if we can help you!

Available Sim cards


Standard SIM

Network all your smart IoT devices, across all networks, transnationally with M2M Allnet!

Micro SIM-Karte G02.2k

Industry SIM

Stay actionable everywhere and connect all industrial machines worldwide with M2M Allnet 

eSIM-Karte: Der Nachfolger der klassischen SIM-Karte fest ins Endgerät eingebaut.


The successor to the classic SIM card, permanently installed in the end device. With all the familiar advantages!



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