What is an eSIM card?

The latest version of all SIM card types. Expressed, eSIM means "embedded SIM". It is the most innovative of all SIM card solutions. An e-Sim is permanently built into an end device such as a mobile phone, tablet or smartwatch. This has the advantage that the card itself does not have to be replaced. This brings considerable advantages, especially when concluding a mobile phone contract. All the necessary information is stored on the eSIM. The data is updated, for example, when a provider or tariff is changed.

Our offer in overview

Standard-SIM Karte

Standard SIM

Network all your smart IoT devices, across all networks, transnationally with M2M Allnet!

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Industry SIM

Stay actionable everywhere and connect all industrial machines worldwide with M2M Allnet 



The successor to the classic SIM card, permanently installed in the end device. With all the familiar advantages!

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esim and standard SIM: the differences

The main difference is that the eSIM is already integrated in the fixed device. It can neither be removed nor exchanged. As the name suggests, the e in front of SIM stands for "embedded", which in German means integrated. Functionally, the eSIM has the same capabilities as the common one. This has the advantage that they are compatible with each other and the difference is not noticeable in use. Therefore, the question arises, why should one choose an eSim at all?

The advantages of esim

Why we offer eSIM?

We are experts in the field of M2M / IoT and have many years of experience in this sector. As a result, we are always up to date, follow the latest trends and always have our finger on the pulse. The company always operates according to the latest guidelines and sets the highest standards.  Our standards of quality and service are high. Therefore, it is clear that eSIM must also be part of our offer. You can find more details on this in our blog as well.

What is a convenient advantage for standard mobile phone contracts or devices is mandatory for IoT devices. With industrial plants, household appliances or motor vehicles, it is difficult to simply remove the SIM card. So the eSIM not only enables automated processes without anyone having to be on site, but is also a compelling step into the future. 

It is not for nothing that the eSIM for IoT is already widespread and the market is growing steadily. More and more devices are using a connection via the internet - IoT and M2M are becoming more and more prevalent in our everyday lives.

Die eSIM Karte: Die neuesten Version aller SIM-Karten Typen
A1 Digital Logo

How do I order an eSIM?

If you are unsure and have many questions, we will be happy to assist you. For us, it is a top priority to be in direct contact with our customers and also to look after you on a long-term basis. Have your habits and needs changed? No problem! We are just a phone call or an e-mail away. And of course you will have a permanent contact person with us. This means that we can react directly to any changes you wish to make, and change or precisely adapt the contract or anything else for you. And we are:

How do I get an eSIM? We advise you!

to the right tariff

M2M Allnet Tariff Calculator

Why an eSIM?

Technology continues to develop, but changes do not always seem pleasant. In this case, however, it is the other way round - the eSIM makes many things easier. Here we explain the advantages of using an eSIM card, or whether you are already using one and don't know it. 


The most important advantage is that the SIM card can be "programmed" by the provider. So if you have contractual changes made, it is possible that the provider simply activates the device with eSIM and waiting for the new card becomes unnecessary. In this way, the activation of new devices is much quicker and the user has no extra work.

But the advantage is not only one-sided! The manufacturer also benefits from eSIMs. Due to the fixed integration in the device, errors are minimised and installation errors are almost completely excluded.

The trend is towards eSIM. Current devices such as the new IPhone from Apple or the leading series from Samsung, from Samsung GalaxyS20 onwards, already work only with an integrated eSIM. Google has also joined this trend.

But not only smartphones, but also more and more wearables such as smartwatches operate with the eSIM. Oppo, Xiamoi and Huawei have not let themselves be left behind by the market giants Apple and Google.

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