Tariff with M2M Allnet: With our price calculator we make it fit
Mit dem Tarif von M2M Allnet und unserem zugehörigen IoT Preisrechner, erhalten Sie einen transparenten Überblick und können Ihre Datenkarten direkt bestellen. Wir konfigurieren den passenden Tarif für Sie und Ihre Branche. Schlechte Verbindung und kein Empfang gehören damit der Vergangenheit an. Die netzbetreiberunabhängigen IoT-SIM-Karten ermöglichen direkt den Zugriff auf mehrere Netze. Es spielt dabei keine Rolle, in welchen Geräten oder Maschinen diese M2M SIM-Karten eingesetzt werden. Kunden die europaweit eine stets stabile Verbindung zur Datenübertragung benötigen, können mit nur einem Anbieter dieses sensible Thema lösen.
- global network coverage
- Access to multiple networks
- IoT SIM Management Portal
- Device-independent
- API interface
M2M Allnet rate calculator
click here for the right offer
Tariff advantages
- Transparent tariff flexibly configurable
- Fast data connection LTE/5G
- Favorable prices and good advice
- SIM Management independent of the provider
- IOT Management
- Personal advice
- Flexible contract term customized for you
Of course, we also have the right SIM card! Let us advise you!
SIM FORMATS compatible with any tariff
Standard SIM
Network all smart IoT devices across all networks and countries with M2M Allnet and be reachable from anywhere
Industry SIM
Stay actionable everywhere and connect all industrial machines worldwide with M2M Allnet
The successor to the classic SIM card, permanently installed in the end device. With all the familiar advantages!
We don't talk about the Internet of Things, we connect it.
M2M Allnet tariff: Service with full cost control
With the best network worldwide and at the best conditions. That is our claim, so that your things can communicate with each other. We don't charge activation costs with a simultaneous customised volume flat rate.
Personal access and security
With your personal M2M Unity portal access, you can monitor various information such as SIM status, volume consumption and network location. Deactivate your cards if necessary and react quickly in the event of misuse or third-party use.
The key technology for M2M solutions is mobile radio. Mobile radio has made nationwide transmission and remote control possible. This means that sensors, machines, individual modules or complete systems can communicate with each other worldwide. All this creates perfect site networking through automation. We get IoT SIM data on its way! If you would like to know more about IoT, take a look at our blog!